Blog Post

Covid-19 Health and Safety. 

  • By GemmaFee
  • 07 Feb, 2021

Update to date information on health and safety


Coronavirus has changed all of our lives, how we live and work has been hugely affected. Please rest assured that I will continue to provide my services following the safety guidelines given by our government. It is paramount to keep everyone safe and well during these difficult times.

Please read the safety guidelines that must be followed throughout the work environment. These are subject to change as per the most recent government guidelines:

  • Hands will be regularly washed/ sanitised, especially between each clients.
  • Products and tools will be disinfected in-between each use.
  • A visor and mask will be worn by the MUA and Hairstylist at all times.
  • The client must sanitise/ wash hands before approaching the makeup station.
  • If you feel unwell and display any symptoms of COVID-19 please let your MUA know as soon as possible to cancel or postpone the appointment.
  • When you are not receiving the makeup service we ask everyone to please keep a 2 metre distance between yourself and the MUA.

By GemmaFee February 7, 2021


Before setting a trial date please ensure these elements of your wedding day have been chosen:

  1. Wedding date:. The time of year you decide to get married in plays a huge role! For example if its a summer wedding there is much more natural light so even light makeup can feel and look more than usual. In the winter however you may need deeper tones for it to stand out where the natural light isn't around for long.
  2. Venue: Maybe you have booked a barn, a manor house or perhaps your getting married outside! The venue will give me a indication of the style of your wedding, and of course we want the makeup to run harmoniously with your vision coming to life!
  3. Your wedding dress: What style did you go for? Will you be changing in the evening? The detail or simplicity within your dress is considered when creating your makeup look to ensure there is balance and it compliments well. For example, a simple and minimalistic dress style would suit a polished and sleek makeup look!
  4. Your colour scheme:  Here I mean the colours in your flowers, general decor and what colours you put your beautiful bridesmaids in! For example if you were to choose a deep red we would need a makeup look that wouldn't get lost in the rich colour. If you have chosen soft, muted colours the makeup style could still be soft but also soft shimmers could lift the whole look.

Once these factors are decided it allows me to envision your special day and create a makeup look not only to suit you but to work harmoniously with your entire day. You may wish to have your trial done sooner and before some of the finer details have been chosen to double check I am the right makeup artist for you- and that is completely fine! Once details are finalised we can always arrange another trial to tie everything in together to create your final look.

When should I book my trial?

I recommend your trial to be done no later than 3 months  before your wedding date. Some brides like to have their trial done 1 year in advance so it is done in the same month. Having your trial done in the same month will allow me to see what products work best alongside the average temperature. For example in the peak of summer oil free and sweat proof products must be trialed.

Where will it be held?

All trials are held at my home studio in Amersham, Buckinghamshire.  All products are available to create any look. 

What do I need to bring/ wear ?

  • I always recommend the bride wears a similar colour top to their dress (white/ off white/ blush/ champagne). This plays a huge part in seeing how the makeup sit against a lighter colour.
  • If you are planning on having a tan of any sort on your wedding day please ensure this is done for the trial. If you are having your trial in the winter months for your summer wedding try a soft tan moisturiser to give you that summer glow. The makeup style can look SO different on different skin tones.
  • Have photo's on your phone of makeup inspiration, please have at least 3 images we can discuss within your consultation.
  • Make a note of which foundation you use (if any), and any favoured lip colours.
  • Arrive with no makeup on, if you are a makeup wearer please have a photo of yourself with every day makeup on and an image of what you would do for a special  occasion.

Skin preparation

Prepping your skin correctly can dramatically change the results of the makeup, both at the trial and on the big day! Smooth, clean, well taken care of skin will aid the result of flawless makeup!

Really look forward to meeting  all my new brides to be

Gem xxx

By GEMMA FEE February 1, 2021
Something close to my heart is sourcing brands of makeup to use in my kit that are great quality and cruelty free. There are some amazing high end products and company's that make cruelty free makeup, here is a great article that lists all the best brand for your cruelty free makeup bag. 💄🐇❤️ Cruelty free kitty
August 27, 2017
Bridal make-up tips: The 10 dos and don’ts you NEED to pay attention to Read more at Marie Claire
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